Context | Context Type | Register Text | Subgroup | Issued to | Issued on | MNO12_2509 | Masonry | Brick wall running E-W south of wall 2069 | | Audrey Charvet | 9-2-2015 |
MNO12_3028 | Masonry | brick well lining | | Ben Saunders | 17-4-2015 |
MNO12_3527 | Deposit | Lower fill of pit 3526 | | Audrey Charvet | 29-5-2015 |
MNO12_1001 | Deposit | Clean mortar dump | | Chiz Harward | 6-10-2014 |
MNO12_1018 | Deposit | 18th century cellar infill
| | Chiz Harward | 10-10-2014 |
MNO12_1022 | Masonry | Brick blocking | | Chiz Harward | 14-10-2014 |
MNO12_1024 | Masonry | Brick wall | | Chiz Harward | 14-10-2014 |
MNO12_1033 | Masonry | East west brick drain | | Neralie Johnston | 7-11-2014 |
MNO12_1042 | Deposit | Fill of pit | | Neralie Johnston | 7-11-2014 |
MNO12_1070 | Deposit | Mortar and rubble crush against East/West wall | | Ben Saunders | 18-11-2014 |
MNO12_1073 | Masonry | Small stub wall projecting N from S limit of excavation in SW corner of site. | | Ben Saunders | 19-11-2014 |
MNO12_1074 | Deposit | Trample floor to S of wall 1072 | | Ben Saunders | 19-11-2014 |
MNO12_1082 | Deposit | General clearance/top clean finds from Area A main site | | Chiz Harward | 20-11-2014 |
MNO12_1094 | Deposit | Rubble fill below 1085 in pit | | Ben Saunders | 20-11-2014 |
MNO12_1097 | Masonry | Truncated brick drain | | Chiz Harward | 21-11-2014 |
MNO12_1110 | Cut | Cut of brick drain [1099] | | Dan Bateman | 21-11-2014 |
MNO12_1123 | Masonry | N-S wall =1119 | | Chiz Harward | 24-11-2014 |
MNO12_1139 | Deposit | Rubble demolition deposit filling disused well 1341 and filling space between walls 1144 and 1148 | | Tom Moore | 24-11-2014 |
MNO12_1148 | Masonry | Brick wall =wall 1144 | | Chiz Harward | 25-11-2014 |
MNO12_1152 | Masonry | Brick wall running North to South | | Dan Bateman | 25-11-2014 |
MNO12_1161 | Deposit | construction backfill for wall | | Manca Kavcic | 26-11-2014 |
MNO12_1164 | Masonry | Brick flooring adjacent to brick wall 1154 | | Dan Bateman | 26-11-2014 |
MNO12_1180 | Deposit | Silt infill of silt trap | | Chiz Harward | 26-11-2014 |
MNO12_1181 | Masonry | Brick and tile slumped floor | | Dan Bateman | 26-11-2014 |
MNO12_1195 | Deposit | Dark, ashey make up deposit | | Tom Moore | 27-11-2014 |