Context | Context Type | Register Text | Subgroup | Issued to | Issued on | MNO12_2723 | Cut | Cut for revetment at west end of area | | Dan Bateman | 17-3-2015 |
MNO12_2725 | Masonry | Timber structure made of 2 planks held by 3 wooden stake on the edge of ditch 2723 | | Audrey Charvet | 17-3-2015 |
MNO12_2728 | Deposit | Mixed gravely silt with CBM | | Audrey Charvet | 18-3-2015 |
MNO12_2729 | Deposit | Slumping in the southern butt end of the N-S running latest ditch in the western end of area B. | | Manca Kavcic | 18-3-2015 |
MNO12_2735 | Cut | Cut for timber frame 2725 | | Audrey Charvet | 19-3-2015 |
MNO12_2748 | Deposit | Wood revetments south of 5 m trench slot in grids 115/200 and 120/200 | | Audrey Charvet | 20-3-2015 |
MNO12_2749 | Deposit | Twig layer on the top of 2748 | | Audrey Charvet | 20-3-2015 |
MNO12_2762 | Deposit | Wooden baseplate with wooden stake | | Audrey Charvet | 23-3-2015 |
MNO12_2768 | Cut | Cut for possible upright or vertical wooden fence | | Audrey Charvet | 24-3-2015 |
MNO12_2789 | Timber | Alignment n-s of timber posts in southern area. Reventment? | | Ashley Bryant | 25-3-2015 |
MNO12_2796 | Deposit | Grey clay silt behind revetment stakes at East end of 1770 | | Neralie Johnston | 26-3-2015 |
MNO12_3084 | Deposit | Sand backfill East of timber revetment | | John Quarrell | 22-4-2015 |
MNO12_3097 | Timber | Large N-S timber revetment at E side of big ditch | | Ben Saunders | 24-4-2015 |
MNO12_3191 | Deposit | Green brown sandy silt fill of possible ditch recut 3192 | | Neralie Johnston | 7-5-2015 |
MNO12_3211 | Deposit | Remains of timber revetment. Rotted timber planking and stakes staining with badly rusted iron rivets | | Neralie Johnston | 7-5-2015 |
MNO12_3226 | Deposit | Brown grey silty deposit below riveted revetment 3211 | | Neralie Johnston | 8-5-2015 |