Context | Context Type | Register Text | Subgroup | Issued to | Issued on | MNO12_2621 | Deposit | Thin silty accumulation above gravel surfaces in centre of area b | | Tom Moore | 19-2-2015 |
MNO12_1247 | Masonry | Black trample deposit adjacent to wall 1073 | | Ben Saunders | 2-12-2014 |
MNO12_1248 | Masonry | Black trample deposit adjacent to cut 1243 | | Ben Saunders | 2-12-2014 |
MNO12_1249 | Masonry | Black/dark grey trample floor between walls 1072 and 1244 | | Ben Saunders | 2-12-2014 |
MNO12_1250 | Masonry | Black/dark grey trample floor between walls 1244 and 1245 | | Ben Saunders | 2-12-2014 |
MNO12_1280 | Deposit | A nominal number for finds in a depression in the south western corner of (1249), by [1074]. Same as (1249). | | Manca Kavcic | 4-12-2014 |
MNO12_1335 | Deposit | Trampled floor deposit in the south eastern corner of area A. | | Manca Kavcic | 9-12-2014 |
MNO12_1418 | Deposit | Trample layer above 1417 brick floor showing in section 18 | | Ben Saunders | 17-12-2014 |
MNO12_2123 | Deposit | Silt layer on top of bricks 2121 | | Dan Bateman | 16-1-2015 |
MNO12_2180 | Deposit | Trample layer adjacent to brick walls 2044 and 2045 | | Dan Bateman | 20-1-2015 |
MNO12_2224 | Deposit | Trampled surface in eastern lightwell | | Chiz Harward | 21-1-2015 |
MNO12_226 | Deposit | Clinker and ash make up | | Chiz Harward | 14-8-2014 |
MNO12_2431 | Deposit | Silty trample on top of cobble floor [2330] | | Tom Swannick | 2-2-2015 |
MNO12_2432 | Deposit | Sandy footing layer above brick floor in south east corner of area | | Dan Bateman | 2-2-2015 |
MNO12_2471 | Deposit | Surface layer below gravel in south west corner of area | | Dan Bateman | 4-2-2015 |
MNO12_2499 | Deposit | Clinker layer in Southern part of back yard area | | Ashley Bryant | 6-2-2015 |
MNO12_2503 | Deposit | Silt deposit in NW corner truncated by construction cut 2490 | | Tom Moore | 6-2-2015 |
MNO12_2514 | Deposit | Black layer within walls 2509 and 2510 | | Audrey Charvet | 9-2-2015 |
MNO12_2518 | Deposit | Deposit within interior of wall 2509 | | Ashley Bryant | 9-2-2015 |
MNO12_2520 | Deposit | Deposit within interior of wall 2509 | | Audrey Charvet | 9-2-2015 |
MNO12_2531 | Deposit | Thin dark silt deposit in the interior of walls 2509 and 2510 | | Audrey Charvet | 10-2-2015 |
MNO12_2687 | Deposit | Flecky layer in base of large timber lined pit | | John Quarrell | 3-3-2015 |
MNO12_2688 | Deposit | Deposit in the southern third of the base of timber lined pit | | John Quarrell | 4-3-2015 |
MNO12_2689 | Deposit | Trample layer over planks in square pit | | Ben Saunders | 4-3-2015 |
MNO12_284 | Deposit | Thin black layer S.14 | | Chiz Harward | 3-9-2014 |