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ContextContext TypeRegister TextSubgroupIssued toIssued on
MNO12_1054MasonryCess pitNeralie Johnston11-11-2014
MNO12_1055DepositBackfill of cess pitNeralie Johnston11-11-2014
MNO12_1056CutCut of cess pitNeralie Johnston11-11-2014
MNO12_1064DepositBackfill of construction cut 1066 for wall 1065Neralie Johnston17-11-2014
MNO12_1065MasonryWall of possible cesspitNeralie Johnston17-11-2014
MNO12_1334CutCut of cess pit in brick structure 1232Dan Bateman9-12-2014
MNO12_2521DepositFill of cut 2522Tom Moore10-2-2015
MNO12_2522CutCut for possible cess pit in NW area of area bTom Moore10-2-2015
MNO12_2546MasonryRemnant of brick floor in cess pit 2522Tom Moore11-2-2015
MNO12_2547MasonryBrick wall running NS. Part of cess chamber in cut 2522Tom Moore11-2-2015
MNO12_2548MasonryBrick wall running EW. Part of cess chamber in cut 2522Tom Moore11-2-2015
MNO12_2550DepositConstruction backfill of cut 2522Tom Moore11-2-2015
MNO12_3492MasonryWal east of 3491Tom Moore28-5-2015
MNO12_3499DepositFill within potential cesspit/silt trap [3476]. Tom Swannick28-5-2015
MNO12_3540DepositLower fill of cesspit 3526 below 3527Ben Saunders1-6-2015
MNO12_3623DepositBackfill of brick feature at North East corner of Area CJohn Quarrell4-6-2015
MNO12_3641DepositLower fill of brick cesspitJohn Quarrell5-6-2015
MNO12_3653MasonryCesspit/basement feature, possibly pre-Georgian Manca Kavcic8-6-2015
MNO12_3654DepositBack fill in masonry feature 3653Manca Kavcic8-6-2015
MNO12_3983MasonryMasonry Pad by Drain [3974]Chiz Harward22-6-2015
MNO12_3992DepositCesspit fill; Fill of [3983]Manca Kavcic23-6-2015
MNO12_4032Masonry'L'-Shaped WallBen Saunders24-6-2015
MNO12_4109DepositFill of [4114]Audrey Charvet29-6-2015
MNO12_4113DepositLower Fill of [4114]Audrey Charvet30-6-2015
MNO12_4114MasonryCesspit or Silt TrapAudrey Charvet30-6-2015
Total Pages:  2Total Results: 31