Context | Context Type | Register Text | Subgroup | Issued to | Issued on | MNO12_1080 | Deposit | Post hole fill | | Neralie Johnston | 19-11-2014 |
MNO12_1081 | Cut | Post hole cUt | | Neralie Johnston | 19-11-2014 |
MNO12_1258 | Cut | Cut of circular feature, possible post-hole | | Ashley Bryant | 2-12-2014 |
MNO12_1259 | Deposit | Fill of [1258] possible post-hole | | Ashley Bryant | 2-12-2014 |
MNO12_1287 | Deposit | Black post hole fill of 1288 | | Ben Saunders | 4-12-2014 |
MNO12_1288 | Cut | Post hole cut | | Ben Saunders | 4-12-2014 |
MNO12_1348 | Cut | Cut of ditch/pit in the south eastern corner of area A | | Manca Kavcic | 9-12-2014 |
MNO12_1349 | Deposit | Fill of post hole 1350 | | Dan Bateman | 9-12-2014 |
MNO12_1350 | Cut | Cut of post hole | | Dan Bateman | 9-12-2014 |
MNO12_1354 | Deposit | Fill of cut | | Manca Kavcic | 10-12-2014 |
MNO12_1355 | Cut | Cut | | Manca Kavcic | 10-12-2014 |
MNO12_1356 | Deposit | Fill of cut [1357] | | Manca Kavcic | 10-12-2014 |
MNO12_1357 | Cut | Cut | | Manca Kavcic | 10-12-2014 |
MNO12_2393 | Deposit | Loose fill of cut of 2394 | | Manca Kavcic | 29-1-2015 |
MNO12_2394 | Cut | Postbox cut. | | Manca Kavcic | 29-1-2015 |
MNO12_2540 | Deposit | Mid greyish brown silty sand fill of cut [2541]. | | Tom Swannick | 11-2-2015 |
MNO12_2541 | Cut | Possible uneven cut of feature. | | Tom Swannick | 11-2-2015 |
MNO12_2544 | Deposit | Fill of possible posthole | | Neralie Johnston | 11-2-2015 |
MNO12_2545 | Deposit | Cut of possible posthole | | Neralie Johnston | 11-2-2015 |
MNO12_2557 | Deposit | Fill of post hole | | Neralie Johnston | 11-2-2015 |
MNO12_2558 | Cut | Cut of post hole | | Neralie Johnston | 11-2-2015 |
MNO12_2579 | Deposit | Posthole south of [2558]. | | Tom Swannick | 12-2-2015 |
MNO12_2583 | Deposit | Backfill of pit/posthole [2584]. | | Tom Swannick | 13-2-2015 |
MNO12_2584 | Cut | Cut of posthole/pit. | | Tom Swannick | 13-2-2015 |
MNO12_2618 | Deposit | Fill of post hole 2619 | | Dan Bateman | 19-2-2015 |