Context | Context Type | Register Text | Subgroup | Issued to | Issued on |
MNO12_1240 | Masonry | VOID Brick lining of well | Tom Moore | 2-12-2014 | |
MNO12_1341 | Masonry | Brick well lining | Chiz Harward | 9-12-2014 | |
MNO12_1458 | Deposit | Fill of well [1341] | Manca Kavcic | 12-1-2015 | |
MNO12_3028 | Masonry | brick well lining | Ben Saunders | 17-4-2015 | |
MNO12_3044 | Cut | Construction cut for well 2028 | Ben Saunders | 20-4-2015 | |
MNO12_3180 | Deposit | Fill of construction cut for well | Audrey Charvet | 6-5-2015 | |
MNO12_3702 | Deposit | Fill of construction cut for well | Neralie Johnston | 9-6-2015 | |
MNO12_3703 | Cut | Construction cut for well | Neralie Johnston | 9-6-2015 | |
MNO12_3715 | Masonry | Brick lined well | Neralie Johnston | 10-6-2015 |