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100 Minories


ContextContext TypeRegister TextSubgroupIssued toIssued on
MNO12_1240MasonryVOID Brick lining of wellTom Moore2-12-2014
MNO12_1341MasonryBrick well liningChiz Harward9-12-2014
MNO12_1458DepositFill of well [1341]Manca Kavcic12-1-2015
MNO12_3028Masonrybrick well liningBen Saunders17-4-2015
MNO12_3044CutConstruction cut for well 2028Ben Saunders20-4-2015
MNO12_3180DepositFill of construction cut for wellAudrey Charvet6-5-2015
MNO12_3702DepositFill of construction cut for wellNeralie Johnston9-6-2015
MNO12_3703CutConstruction cut for wellNeralie Johnston9-6-2015
MNO12_3715MasonryBrick lined wellNeralie Johnston10-6-2015
Total Pages:  1Total Results: 9