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SampleRegister TextContextTaken ByTaken On
MNO12_11Bulk 20-30% 20 litre sandy silt fill of pitChiz Harward11-9-2012
MNO12_125Dump of oyster shells within 2698 observed in grid 130/210 Audrey Charvet10-3-2015
MNO12_143Dark brown organic layerJohn Quarrell23-3-2015
MNO12_148Dark brown organic layer at northern end of context Dan Bateman24-3-2015
MNO12_15810 litre bulk sample of CBM dump, within ditch. 115/215Tom Swannick30-3-2015
MNO12_213A thin layer of clinker in barrel vault.Manca Kavcic22-4-2015
MNO12_250VOID - 2x brick sample from the line of bricks that filled in the gap in the flooring at the northern extent of the western room of Area C - Context 3227Talfan Davies11-5-2015
MNO12_283Dark greyish black sandy silt in top north west corner of the South Western Georgian building in area cDan Bateman1-6-2015
MNO12_288Dark silty sand layer of silt trap in North west corner of South west Georgian building in area cDan Bateman2-6-2015
MNO12_3Bulk 30% 20 litre cessy dump layerChiz Harward29-8-2012
MNO12_317Silt in Base of Silt Trap [3879]Chiz Harward18-6-2015
MNO12_32Backfill of cesspit/silt-trap 1144/1148Chiz Harward27-11-2014
MNO12_334Mortar Ash Pit Fill.Bonnie Knapp26-6-2015
MNO12_349Stable Sweepings.Ben Saunders6-7-2015
MNO12_352Fill of barrel line featureManca Kavcic8-7-2015
MNO12_353Fill of barrel line featureManca Kavcic8-7-2015
MNO12_64Fill of drain [2022].Manca Kavcic16-1-2015
MNO12_83Dark grey Occupation deposit beneath gravel surface 2505Tom Moore9-2-2015
MNO12_91Dark red brown silty fill of pit 2589Tom Moore13-2-2015
MNO12_94Dark brown clinkery deposit Manca Kavcic16-2-2015
Total Pages:  1Total Results: 20