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100 Minories
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  • MNO12
  • 4158
  • Masonry
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Basic Interpretation

Stratigraphic Matrix

Context Description

    • North-South Running Wall- Possibly Associated with Pre-Georgian Property Boundaries
      • Chiz Harward
    • 21-4-2016

Record Details

  • Paul McGarrity 1-7-2015
  • - - - -
  • - -

Site Photos

  • Site Photo: MNO12_7422
    • file_image
    • Remains of early walls
  • Site Photo: MNO12_7423
    • file_image
    • Remains of early walls
  • Site Photo: MNO12_7424
    • file_image
    • Remains of early walls
  • Site Photo: MNO12_7425
    • file_image
    • Remains of early walls + mortar layer/ surface
  • Site Photo: MNO12_7426
    • file_image
    • Remains of early walls + mortar layer/ surface
  • Site Photo: MNO12_7427
    • file_image
    • Remains of early walls + mortar layer/ surface
  • Site Photo: MNO12_7428
    • file_image
    • Remains of early walls + mortar layer/ surface
  • Site Photo: MNO12_7429
    • file_image
    • Remains of early walls + mortar layer/ surface
  • Site Photo: MNO12_7430
    • file_image
    • Working shot (JQ + PDM)
  • Site Photo: MNO12_7431
    • file_image
    • Working shot (JQ + PDM)
  • Site Photo: MNO12_7432
    • file_image
    • Working shot (JQ + PDM)
  • Site Photo: MNO12_7433
    • file_image
    • Working shot (JQ + PDM)

Context Register Text

  • North-South Running Wall- Possibly Associated with Pre-Georgian Property Boundaries





  • No records attached.

Attached Files

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