- North facing section of 1272 and 1328 in SE corner of area B (central)
- 9.56m OD
Record Details
- Audrey Charvet
Located on Plan
- No records attached.
Context: MNO12_1092
- Masonry
- Area A
- TRuncated brick drain base
Context: MNO12_1132
- Deposit
- Area A
- Mortar plaster and brick rubble infill
Context: MNO12_1181
- Masonry
- Area A
- slumped brick flooring
Context: MNO12_1272
- Deposit
- Area A
- Greenish silt layer, possible ditch clearance
Context: MNO12_1328
- Cut
- Area A
- Cut through western side of Area A, possible ditch? May be an interface or erosion instead of formal ditch cut?
Context: MNO12_1351
- Deposit
- Area A
- Thick dump of redeposited gravelas and sands across SW of Area A. Infilling of quarrying?
Context: MNO12_1396
- Deposit
- Area A
- Brownish sandy silt fill
Context: MNO12_1397
- Deposit
- Area A
- Brownish sandy silt fill
Context: MNO12_1435
- Deposit
- Area A
- Soft homogenous silt fill within possible ditch
Context: MNO12_1436
- Deposit
- Area A
- possible rabbit burrow backfill
Context: MNO12_1437
- Cut
- Area A
- possible rabbit burrow