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  • brick barrel vault

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    • Brick barrel vault; East wall is aligned north-south, barrel vaulting survives above internal face of east wall. Barrel vault is capped by clay waterproofing and then sealed by levelling dumps for building above. Observed and recorded in watching brief and excavated in Test Pit 1 and GP1.
      • Chiz Harward
    • 29-2-2016


ContextBasic Interp.Basic ProcessContext Description
MNO12_200 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. CU Brick barrel vault, east wall observed in watching brief. Also recorded to North and South
MNO12_14 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. CU Post medieval brick barrel vault. Truncated by construction of railway viaduct by cut (10). Vault is then repaired as (9) before Finally falling out of use and being back filled with concrete (15) - this may be related to the construction of the District line
MNO12_13 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. C Clay layer capping barrel vault (14). Upper surface / interface wit (12) consists of thin layer of yellow mortar. Possibly this deposit was intended to waterproof the top of the barrel vault
MNO12_12 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. C Dark rum layer representing post medieval made ground. Would have sealed brick barrel vault (14), possibly back fill of construction cut or later dumping over the vaulted brick structure.
MNO12_27 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. CU brick barrel vault. n-s aligned. may be same as vault recorded to north in GT 1. infilled with hoggin to west, truncated to south and infilled with concrete to east - presumably into cellar
MNO12_38 S - Structural Cut C Construction cut for barrel vault 27
MNO12_217 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. CU Brick barrel vault observed in watching brief. Also recorded to North and South