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  • Georgian levelling dumps to raise ground in mews area

Subgroup Narrative

    • Georgian levelling dumps to raise ground in mews area behind Crescent
      • Chiz Harward
    • 14-6-2016

Subgroup Matrix


ContextBasic Interp.Basic ProcessContext Description
MNO12_19 MU - Make-up, Levelling C Levelling up in back area of Crescent
MNO12_18 MU - Make-up, Levelling C Levelling dup,part of series of poorly defined post medieval dumps defuse contact / interface with (5) above. Pan tile suggests post fire date. Top of deposit 11.18m bottom of deposit 11.53 mOD
MNO12_5 ED - External Dump C Post medieval dump deposit / levelling deposit.
MNO12_4 ED - External Dump C Chalk rich post-medieval levelling / dump deposit.
MNO12_3 ED - External Dump C Post medieval dump / levelling deposit. Compact trample surface on top of the deposit
MNO12_2 ED - External Dump C Mixed dump of building material and mortar. Includes post medieval bm and roman tile and opus signinum. Possibly levelling deposit above ditch (?). Compact brick crush surface on top of deposit is probably trample surface associated with deposition of this material.
MNO12_1 ED - External Dump C Dump layer consisting of black sandy clay with occasional brown clay patches and mixed browns sandier deposit below. Represents post medieval dumpingandlevelling deposit Vertically truncated by construction of existing 1960s structure