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Subgroup Register Text

  • Brick path

Subgroup Narrative

    • Part of N-S brick path; 10.4m OD. Bricks and tile on edge
      • Chiz Harward
    • 27-5-2016

Subgroup Matrix


ContextBasic Interp.Basic ProcessContext Description
MNO12_3438 S - Structural Cut C Cut for brick and tile path 3432
MNO12_3447 MU - Make-up, Levelling CU Grainy layer below 3440, levelling within path cut
MNO12_3440 MU - Make-up, Levelling C Mortar layer below brick path 3432
MNO12_3439 EO - External Occupation U Soil trample layer below brick path 3432 within path cut
MNO12_3432 EM - External Metalling, Cobbling, etc. CU Brick and tile pathway