Register Description
- Area A 224-229
Photo Record Details
- Chiz Harward 14-8-2014
Context: MNO12_224
- Deposit
- Area A
- Make up dumps in southeast corner
Context: MNO12_225
- Masonry
- Area A
- Brick structure, possibly part of 17th c cellar
Context: MNO12_226
- Deposit
- Area A
- Glass-rich clinker deposit, possible cellar infill or infilling brick structure
Context: MNO12_227
- Masonry
- Area A
- Yellow stock structure under pavement; coal-hole or store with double barrel-vault.
Context: MNO12_228
- Deposit
- Area A
- Construction backfill of light well/coal hole
Context: MNO12_229
- Cut
- Area A
- Cut for lightwell/coal-hole
- No records attached.