Register Description
- South-east-facing section of gravel and silt layers
Photo Record Details
- Neralie Johnston 11-12-2014
Context: MNO12_1046
- Deposit
- Area A
- Fine silt layer, dumped from city ditch?
Context: MNO12_1271
- Deposit
- Area A
- CBM and gravel dump over depression caused by infilled and consolidated gravel quarry
Context: MNO12_1312
- Deposit
- Area A
- gravel layer over north of Area A, seals top of quarrying
Context: MNO12_1317
- Deposit
- Area A
- silty layer accumulating over consolidated gravel quarry
Context: MNO12_1329
- Deposit
- Area A
- slty layer or dump within consolidation sequence
Context: MNO12_1330
- Deposit
- Area A
- dirty gravel dump within consolidation sequence
Context: MNO12_1387
- Deposit
- Area A
- sandy gravel dump within consolidation sequence
- No records attached.