- Multi context plan GP1
Plan Drawings.
- There are currently no files attached to this record
Record Details
- Chiz Harward
Context: MNO12_6
- Deposit
- GP1
- Post med dump deposit. Lots of gravel and building debris and cbm. Infilling of large construction cut (10) for construction of railway vault. Mid 19 th century deposit.
Context: MNO12_7
- Deposit
- GP1
- Mid 19th century dump deposit. Levelling and ground raising after construction of railway viaduct (14). Top of deposit has 10 mm thick mortar trample surface on it (at interface with 6). This is probably a working surface of trample associated with levelling activity.
Context: MNO12_8
- Masonry
- GP1
- Red brick wall abutting railway viaduct 11 to West. Wall built to close end of rebuilt part of rebuilt brick barrel vault Part of repairs and reinstatement after the construction of the viaduct.
Context: MNO12_9
- Masonry
- GP1
- Rebuild of north end of barrel vault(14) after truncation by(10). Abutts wall (9) to south. Built of remand red yellow frogged brick with a different type of redder bricks in lower courses. These appear to be reused bricks from the demolition of the north end of the vault (14).
Context: MNO12_10
- Cut
- GP1
- Large truncation event associated with the construction of the railway viaduct and Fenchurch st station. Recorded in geotechnical pit. Visible in plan and in the west facing section. Cuts earlier barrell vault (14). This is then rebuilt as (9) and cut filled with loose rubble deposits (6) and (7), raising ground level to close to present day level.
Context: MNO12_14
- Masonry
- GP1
- Post medieval brick barrel vault. Truncated by construction of railway viaduct by cut (10). Vault is then repaired as (9) before Finally falling out of use and being back filled with concrete (15) - this may be related to the construction of the District line
Context: MNO12_15
- Deposit
- GP1
- Concrete in filling on brick vault (9) / (14). Possibly this cellar falls out of use and infilled in as part of construction of the District line which runs immediately to the west.
Context: MNO12_17
- Cut
- GP1
- Construction cut (?) possibly associated with construction of District line directly to the west. Cut runs N-S, truncating barrel vault (9) / (14). After the top of the vault is truncated by this event it is then back filled with concrete (15).