- NFS pile probing.
- 12.61m OD
Record Details
- Chiz Harward
Located on Plan
- No records attached.
Context: MNO12_274
- Masonry
- Area A
- Red brick wall in S.14; cellar wall in section
Context: MNO12_275
- Deposit
- Area A
- Dumped sandy gravel infill in S.14; infilling of cellar
Context: MNO12_276
- Deposit
- Area A
- Drain disuse infilling in S.14
Context: MNO12_277
- Masonry
- Area A
- Brick drain in S.14
Context: MNO12_278
- Cut
- Area A
- Cut for drain 277
Context: MNO12_279
- Deposit
- Area A
- Dumped mortary layer in trench through alley
Context: MNO12_280
- Cut
- Area A
- cut through alley deposits
Context: MNO12_281
- Deposit
- Area A
- Disturbed occupation deposits with cobbles -damaged cobble yard surface
Context: MNO12_282
- Deposit
- Area A
- trampled levelling dumps
Context: MNO12_283
- Deposit
- Area A
- Mixed levelling/makeup layer in section
Context: MNO12_284
- Deposit
- Area A
- Thin black occupation layer in S.14
Context: MNO12_285
- Cut
- Area A
- Construction cut for brick wall 274
Context: MNO12_286
- Deposit
- Area A
- Sticky sandy silt dumps in section S.14
Context: MNO12_287
- Deposit
- Area A
- Mixed levelling dump S.14
Context: MNO12_288
- Deposit
- Area A
- Sticky sandy silt dumps in section S14