- South facing section of TP3 from SI and plan data
Record Details
- Chiz Harward
Located on Plan
- No records attached.
Context: MNO12_1
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dump layer consisting of black sandy clay with occasional brown clay patches and mixed browns sandier deposit below. Represents post medieval dumpingandlevelling deposit Vertically truncated by construction of existing 1960s structure
Context: MNO12_2
- Deposit
- TP3
- Mixed dump of building material and mortar. Includes post medieval bm and roman tile and opus signinum. Possibly levelling deposit above ditch (?). Compact brick crush surface on top of deposit is probably trample surface associated with deposition of this material.
Context: MNO12_3
- Deposit
- TP3
- Post medieval dump / levelling deposit. Compact trample surface on top of the deposit
Context: MNO12_4
- Deposit
- TP3
- Chalk rich post-medieval levelling / dump deposit.
Context: MNO12_5
- Deposit
- TP3
- Post medieval dump deposit / levelling deposit.
Context: MNO12_18
- Deposit
- TP3
- Levelling dup,part of series of poorly defined post medieval dumps defuse contact / interface with (5) above. Pan tile suggests post fire date. Top of deposit 11.18m bottom of deposit 11.53 mOD
Context: MNO12_19
- Deposit
- TP3
- Levelling up in back area of Crescent
Context: MNO12_20
- Deposit
- TP3
- grey mortar construction surface for Georgian buildings
Context: MNO12_21
- Deposit
- TP3
- trample / construction level and levelling for bedding layer (20) above. posibble localised burning present in layer. inclusions in deposit are pushed down into underlying context. post medieval deposition date.
Context: MNO12_23
- Deposit
- TP3
- mixed dump deposit built up against bricks (24) andpossibly associated with the use of this structure. patchy yellow brown trampled gravel at north extent of deposit may be informal/ ephemeral surface. lots of clay tobbaco pipe (not all stems kept), freq animal bone ( not kept). glass working slag in crucible suggests industrial activity nearby. some finds from (24) probaby included in this context as slighhtly overdug in NW corner. 10.50-61m OD
Context: MNO12_24
- Masonry
- TP3
- four brick on edge. abutting and later than brick feature (25) directly to the west. function of (24) unclear. bricks look very worn / abraded. thin orange handmade unfrogged bricks of possible mid 17th century (?) date
Context: MNO12_25
- Masonry
- TP3
- post medieval brick wall / foundation / pillar base. top of wall appears to be horizontally truncated. foundation for mid 17th (?) century structure close to city wall line. domestic or possibly industrial function as glass crucible recovered from (23). top of feature. 10.68mOD. construction level 10.38 mOD.
Context: MNO12_26
- Deposit
- TP3
- soft very mixed occupation tpe deposit. artefact rich, especially CTP and CBM. layer deposited against brick feature (25), either backfill material deposited directly after construction of structure (25) or more likely occupation / activity associated with this building. one piece of possible iron slag or iron object. interface with underlying deposit (28) diffuse with (26) pushed down into the top of it.
Context: MNO12_28
- Deposit
- TP3
- Large post medieval dump layer / levelling deposit. Top of deposit represents construction level for building (25). This context is probably levelling and consolidation for building (25). Context represents homogenous dump of demolition derived material withfreq mortar and cbm. Appears to be of mid 17 th century date. Cbm and animal bone not kept. Contained several large roughly faced rags time blocks ( c. 300 mm in diameter). Same as 2501 in main site?
Context: MNO12_29
- Deposit
- TP3
- Mixed levelling dump. Characterised by 'soil' and clay content compared to overlying building rubble (28). Post medieval levelling / ground make up, part of a series of similar deposits. Good interface with layer below.
Context: MNO12_30
- Deposit
- TP3
- Post medieval dump deposit / levelling layer. Part of sequence of similar dumps. 9.95-9.75m OD
Context: MNO12_31
- Deposit
- TP3
- Mortar and CBM rich spread / dump, slopes down to east and west, from 9.72-9.55m OD
Context: MNO12_32
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dark brown garden soil, slopes down to SW 9.55 to 9.34m OD
Context: MNO12_36
- Deposit
- TP3
- Black silty clay; 9.54-9.12m OD, sloping down to west
Context: MNO12_59
- Deposit
- TP3
- Layer black soil dump; 9.30-9.03m OD. Sharp slope down to west
Context: MNO12_60
- Deposit
- TP3
- Mixed chalk and soil dump infilling ditch; 9.26m OD sloping down to 9.02m OD
Context: MNO12_61
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dump layer containing burnt material, same as 2667; 9.25-8.85m OD
Context: MNO12_62
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dump layer of soil and burnt material; 9.03-8.57m OD
Context: MNO12_74
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dmp into ditch; 8.95 to 8.50m OD
Context: MNO12_75
- Deposit
- TP3
- flecky ground raising layer in test pit, same as 2678? 8.73 sloping down to 8.63m OD, then appears that the western drop in height is due to the recut City Ditch (no context number given in eval)
Context: MNO12_80
- Deposit
- TP3
- Gravelly soil; 8.53 sloping down to 8.32m OD in NW
Context: MNO12_89
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dark organic layer dumped into ditch; 8.38-8.16m OD, slopes down to west. Same as 2698 in main excavation?
Context: MNO12_96
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dark clinker and coal filled deposit; 8.04-8.08m OD
Context: MNO12_99
- Deposit
- TP3
- Oyster shell and bm rich spread / dump; 7.76-7.91m OD
Context: MNO12_103
- Deposit
- TP3
- Black dump layer in ditch; 7.62-7.88m OD, slopes slightly down to north
Context: MNO12_134
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dump deposit, clinkery deposit with surface at 7.53-7.61m OD
Context: MNO12_135
- Deposit
- TP3
- Oyster and clinker refuse dump in ditch; 7.44-50m OD
Context: MNO12_136
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dump of clinkery maerial into ditch
Context: MNO12_137
- Deposit
- TP3
- Waterlogged dump deposit, dumped into city ditch; 7.14-7.20m OD
Context: MNO12_138
- Deposit
- TP3
- loose dark grey sandy silt with lenses of organics; 6.94 to 7.06m OD
Context: MNO12_139
- Deposit
- TP3
- Mottled grey layer; 6.69 to 6.78m OD
Context: MNO12_140
- Deposit
- TP3
- Compact grey brown alluvial deposit; 6.56-74m OD
Context: MNO12_150
- Deposit
- TP3
- Slumped gravel, sloping down to east; 6.54 to 6.38m OD
Context: MNO12_154
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dark brown grey silty layer; 6.19-6.31m OD
Context: MNO12_159
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dark alluvial deposit (primary ditch fill?) 6.10m OD
Context: MNO12_160
- Deposit
- TP3
- Dirty gravel in base of city ditch; 6.00m OD
Context: MNO12_162
- Cut
- TP3
- Cut of City Ditch in test pit 3; 5.84 sloping down to 5.64m OD