- South West facing section of brick Culvert [2031]/[2089] and rubble bulk against and underneath exterior back wall of No.1
- 11.38m OD
Record Details
- Tom Swannick
Located on Plan
- No records attached.
Context: MNO12_2011
- Deposit
- Area B
- Construction level for Georgian buildings, mortar trample layer
Context: MNO12_2031
- Masonry
- Area B
- Linear brick drain running NE-SW, truncating [2010].
Context: MNO12_2032
- Cut
- Area B
- Construction cut for [2031].
Context: MNO12_2033
- Deposit
- Area B
- Backfill of [2032].
Context: MNO12_2049
- Masonry
- Area B
- W lightwell at rear of No. 1 The Crescent
Context: MNO12_2064
- Deposit
- Area B
- Light whitish brown silty sand layer associated with the rubble make-up layer seen across site.
Context: MNO12_2068
- Cut
- Area B
- Cut through rubble layer. Unsure of purpose as has been filled with rubble
Context: MNO12_2071
- Deposit
- Area B
- Dark grey brown deposit below wall [2049]
Context: MNO12_2089
- Masonry
- Area B
- Rebuild of brick culvert arch, with original base of[2031].
Context: MNO12_2090
- Deposit
- Area B
- Sandy gritty fill in base of [2031].
Context: MNO12_2147
- Deposit
- Area B
- Silty sand rubble backfill against [2049]
Context: MNO12_2148
- Deposit
- Area B
- Dump of bricks to build up ground for [2049].
Context: MNO12_2149
- Deposit
- Area B
- Silty sand rubble backfill which has fallen into [2031] [2089], after truncation by [2150].
Context: MNO12_2150
- Cut
- Area B
- Cut which truncated [2031] and [2089].
Context: MNO12_2226
- Deposit
- Area B
- Fill of drain 2031.
Context: MNO12_2258
- Cut
- Area B
- Cut for rebuilding of brick drain [2089]