Located on Plan
- No records attached.
Context: MNO12_87
- Deposit
- TP5
- Modern fill
Context: MNO12_88
- Deposit
- TP5
- Modern fill?
Context: MNO12_90
- Deposit
- TP5
- Clay construction backfill
Context: MNO12_92
- Cut
- TP5
- North-south cut for cellar lining
Context: MNO12_95
- Deposit
- TP5
- Tread deposit
Context: MNO12_97
- Deposit
- TP5
- external tread deposit sealing path, 10.44m OD
Context: MNO12_102
- Deposit
- TP5
- Garden soil, eval; 10.42m OD
Context: MNO12_106
- Deposit
- TP5
- Fill of pit cut 107
Context: MNO12_107
- Cut
- TP5
- Cut of pit
Context: MNO12_109
- Deposit
- TP5
- Upper backfill of former quarry pit, settling out into water?
Context: MNO12_110
- Deposit
- TP5
- Lower sandy silt fill of infilled quarry pit
Context: MNO12_111
- Deposit
- TP5
- laminated deposit on base of ponded area in infilled quarry pit
Context: MNO12_112
- Deposit
- TP5
- washed sand over hard gravel surface, eval.
Context: MNO12_113
- Masonry
- TP5
- Brick cellar lining
Context: MNO12_114
- Cut
- TP5
- Cut for cellar wall 113