- Geoarchaeological North facing section in the 5 m trench
- 6.54m OD
Record Details
- Audrey Charvet
Located on Plan
- No records attached.
Context: MNO12_2842
- Deposit
- Area B
- Brown fine silt and organic layer to E of site running over timber revetment, slopes down to west from 8.39 to 6.60m OD
Context: MNO12_2854
- Deposit
- Area B
- Dump of seeds, slopes down to west
Context: MNO12_2855
- Deposit
- Area B
- Brown silty layer underneath 2842
Context: MNO12_2856
- Deposit
- Area B
- Black organic silt layer underneath 2854, slopes down to west
Context: MNO12_2857
- Deposit
- Area B
- Grey sand within eastern end of city ditch. Slopes from 7.90 to 6.31m OD at west. Lenses of waterlain sands and silts tipping down to west
Context: MNO12_2858
- Deposit
- Area B
- Grey mixed sandy silt layer to west of timber revetment.
Context: MNO12_2860
- Deposit
- Area B
- Construction backfill behind revetment and in base of revetment slot
Context: MNO12_2862
- Deposit
- Area B
- Organic ditch silts in base of Ciy Ditch, slopes down to west from 6.93 to 6.19m OD
Context: MNO12_2863
- Deposit
- Area B
- Blueish grey clay gravel within cut 2864, City Ditch basal fill