Subgroup Register Text
- Minories drain
Subgroup Narrative
- Main brick drain/sewer running south from silt trap in Hammet St/Vine St/Minories block, then turning and running SW across Area B down to the main City Ditch sewer. Brick drain is tubular in cross-section. Sewer sealed by construction of Crescent buildings
- Chiz Harward
- 8-6-2016
Subgroup Matrix
Context | Basic Interp. | Basic Process | Context Description |
MNO12_2405 | D - Ditch, Drain, Gully, etc. | C | Drain cut for Minories block, sealed by Crescent buildings |
MNO12_2442 | D - Ditch, Drain, Gully, etc. | CU | Brick drain/sewer flowing W from Minories buildings under C18th buildings, within cut 2405 |
MNO12_2404 | D - Ditch, Drain, Gully, etc. | C | Fill of drain cut under 2011 |