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Subgroup Register Text

  • robbing of timber lined pit

Subgroup Narrative

    • robbing of timber lined pit, series of trampled fills and discarded timbers within pit
      • Chiz Harward
    • 14-6-2016


ContextBasic Interp.Basic ProcessContext Description
MNO12_2625 SN - Non-Structural Cut CU Robbing of timber lined pit
MNO12_2681 SN - Non-Structural Cut U Trampled abandonment/robbing layer in base of timber lined pit
MNO12_2680 TI - Timber Not in situ D Oak stud lying on floor of timber lined pit
MNO12_2663 SN - Non-Structural Cut D A slumping deposit within 2625, sealing vertical timber structure.
MNO12_2660 SN - Non-Structural Cut D Mid yellowy beige fill within a large pit 2625.