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Subgroup Register Text

  • Demolition and infilling of cellars, initial Georgian groundraising

Subgroup Narrative

    • Demolition and infilling of cellars, initial Georgian demolition and groundraising
      • Chiz Harward
    • 17-11-2017

Subgroup Matrix


ContextBasic Interp.Basic ProcessContext Description
MNO12_4551 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. D Demolition waste dump infilling cellar
MNO12_4550 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. D Sand dump infilling cellar
MNO12_4549 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. D Mortar rich dump infilling cellar
MNO12_4548 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. D Sandy clay dump infilling cellar
MNO12_4547 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. D Brick rubble dump infilling cellar
MNO12_4588 DS - Destruction Debris (in situ) D Post demolition trample on cellar wall 4556
MNO12_4619 DS - Destruction Debris (in situ) C Post demolition trample over wall
MNO12_4620 SN - Non-Structural Cut C Demolition of cellared building, Georgian demolition
MNO12_4583 ED - External Dump C Infilled cellar dump, georgian ground raising
MNO12_4642 SN - Non-Structural Cut C Robber cut of wall/floor, Georgian demolition