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  • Construction of Georgian brick walls

Subgroup Narrative

    • Construction of Georgian brick walls; east-west party wall recorded in WB and excavated in Area A, also parallel wall forming a silt trap and housing around earlier well.
      • Chiz Harward
    • 29-2-2016


ContextBasic Interp.Basic ProcessContext Description
MNO12_1145 S - Structural Cut C construction cut for walls
MNO12_1144 WA - Wall, Sill C Brick wall in Georgian development
MNO12_1148 WA - Wall, Sill C Georgian brick wall
MNO12_1261 S - Structural Cut C Construction backfill of cut 1145
MNO12_268 WA - Wall, Sill C Substantial east-west wall, same as 1148 to east. Georgian party wall?
MNO12_1143 CE - Cellar, Basement, etc. C Construction backfill in cut 1145