Register Description
- Area A Section 15
Photo Record Details
- Chiz Harward 18-8-2014
Context: MNO12_224
- Deposit
- Area A
- Make up dumps in southeast corner
Context: MNO12_234
- Deposit
- Area A
- Dumped rubble infil of Hammett Street
Context: MNO12_235
- Deposit
- Area A
- Plaster demolition/dump layer, infilling cellar; same as [1004]
Context: MNO12_236
- Deposit
- Area A
- Deposit of burnt clay/mould fragments
Context: MNO12_237
- Deposit
- Area A
- gravel surface/surfaces in section
Context: MNO12_238
- Deposit
- Area A
- Mixed dump in section
Context: MNO12_243
- Deposit
- Area A
- Mortar and brick levelling dump for Georgian buildings; in section
- No records attached.