Register Description
- Minories buildings and paths working shots and scale shots
Photo Attributes
Photo Record Details
- Guy Hunt 22-5-2015
Context: MNO12_3136
- Masonry
- Area C
- East brick wall of Georgian building
Context: MNO12_3304
- Masonry
- Area C
- floor made of bricks on edge
Context: MNO12_3310
- Deposit
- Area C
- Hard mid brown silt and gravel mix in City Ditch
Context: MNO12_3326
- Masonry
- Area C
- Brick floor/path
Context: MNO12_3392
- Masonry
- Area C
- Possible brick repair/ rebuild of main garden path
Context: MNO12_3397
- Masonry
- Area C
- Brick garden path
Context: MNO12_3420
- Masonry
- Area C
- Brick path fragment
Context: MNO12_3478
- Masonry
- Area C
- Fragment of external brick path
Context: MNO12_3484
- Masonry
- Area C
- Brick pad
Context: MNO12_3489
- Masonry
- Area C
- Brick path
Context: MNO12_3490
- Masonry
- Area C
- Brick path
Context: MNO12_3491
- Masonry
- Area C
- N-S aligned wall, same as 3453
Context: MNO12_3492
- Masonry
- Area C
- west wall of cesspit or cellar
- No records attached.