100 Symposium

This project provides a write up of all the activities that we do as part of the 100 Symposium. You can read about what the 100 Symposium is and what we hope to achieve in the About pages.

The 100 Symposium is made up of many elements, which aim to broaden the scope and impact of what commercial archaeological fieldwork can do. As a way of enabling our team to complete their own ‘micro research projects’, the Symposium is offering regular seminars, mentoring and training for our team. In pursuing this multi-vocal approach, we also aim to bring in a greater range of research questions and examine ways of investigating the site that normally fall outside the remit of commercial fieldwork. In turn we aim to present the output from these projects to the public, thinking about new ways in which commercial projects can disseminate and present research to the wider community, through this website, and through live public events held alongside the excavation.

This project draws together all these elements to give an overview of the work we are doing. At the end of the project we will also write a short paper setting out the motives behind the project, its aims, methods and results. We will also make an evaluation of the project, which elements succeeded and which failed.

The expected outputs from this project are:

  • a series of articles on the project website chronicling the activities and events we undertake;
  • a short academic article about the project including an evaluation of the results;
  • a conference paper about the symposium.

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